Thursday, July 21, 2005

American drug companies

I don't think it is wise for anyone to take drugs that might hurt the body especially when they are already sick. People should first look and see how to eat right and also to take natural medicines instead of drugs. Drugs can be addicting and habit forming. Be careful that you eat foods that are not processed at least not too much. It is safer to eat foods that will keep you and me from being sick. When a person knows that eating at a fast food place gets them sick then don't eat that food. It may be better to eat food that you prepare at home. Maybe another country other than the USA can help the many who are sick. Maybe you could spend less money and be healthy sooner. I know there is a website I am looking at and I think maybe I will listen to what this guy's book has to say. It is always good to hear everyones opinion not just to take everything as truth or law until I search it out myself. This also goes for religion. I don't like to be squashed by religion but I do like to know the truth. I reviewed the religions and I found the Truth. It isn't all about religion and it isn't all about my choice as if to say anything that is right for me isn't right for you. There is only one Truth. I would hope everyone who sees me and everything I say, write and do, and can see that the Truth is Jesus Christ. Christians believe this and true Christians hope others would see this as true. I mean to say The Truth not some truth. All of what Jesus said is true and all that the disciples of Christ said of him is true. Look all the information up and I challenge everyone to open up their heart and decide for themselves for Jesus says he is the only way to THE Father . His father God and our father,God.